Imagine Life Beyond the Limits
Release the past and embrace a new you!
Hypnosis Sessions in Denton, Texas, Surrounding Areas, and Online

It feels like something is holding you back.
There’s an ache deep inside that speaks to you about your purpose for being here, and the action not yet taken.
Countless times of trying to put yourself out on that proverbial limb only to hold yourself back have eventually squelched the passion you used to feel. You have made progress before only to get stuck again.
Even after all this time it is still painful and frustrating. Other people have great lives, and you wonder if that could be you, too.
Thoughts and memories show up in your awareness, and you are once again caught in a seemingly endless downward spiral.
“I can’t do it…” “It won’t work…” “I’m unworthy…”

You’re right
You can’t keep going on like this even for one more day. Because deep down, you know that how you show up for yourself profoundly matters.
It won’t work to keep holding back from creating the freedom, joy, and success you are meant to experience.
You are worthy of all that life has to offer.
All the limiting thoughts and feelings were created at one point. And you can decide now that you want to create something else instead. There is a way to do that.
In my practice, I offer safe and effective ways to clear the emotions and beliefs that cause you to lose energy and nourish emotions and beliefs that energize you and motivate you to reach your excellence.
If you are ready, now is the best time to begin.
I’m here for you.
Call (940) 232-9719
or book your free 30-minute consultation online today.

Maxine Lindauer,
Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist
Hi, I’m Maxine
I’ll show you how.
With the help of processes THAT WORK, you’ll learn to gain rapport with all aspects of your deep inner mind, break through long-standing barriers with ease and relaxation, and create the life you desire now.
I’ll give you the acceptance you need to explore what’s been getting in your way.
Because once you are willing to shed all those old stories of pain, you’ll tap into a treasure trove of existing creativity and wisdom that will surprise and delight you.
We are all amazingly unique beings; no one method works for everyone. That’s why we’ll develop a plan that addresses your needs in the way that feels most right for you.
Imagine, see, sense, and feel life beyond the limits… the feelings of joy and freedom. The excitement and energy of forward momentum once you’ve reclaimed your passion for life and who you are becoming.

What I Offer
Dare to take the next purposeful
stride toward your new life
Schedule your free 30-minute call online today.