Deep Relaxation and Peaceful Sleep

Learn what is in the way.

No matter what help you need when coming to my practice, feeling relaxed with hypnosis is always a welcome side effect.

In our first session, we will thoroughly explore what is keeping you from NOT being relaxed, including anything that is keeping you up at night.

Together, we’ll uncover the building blocks for the statements, suggestions and affirmations that will be most effective for your deep inner mind to hear.

Then, before we jump into the hypnosis part of the session, we will do some practice exercises to warm up so you are well prepared to begin.

Relaxation is the first step.

Once we settle in and begin, the first step in any hypnosis session is to guide you into the most relaxed state possible.

When you are comfortably relaxed, I’ll deliver suggestions based on the content and words that resonate most deeply with you (remember, we spoke about that earlier in the session).

These suggestions will activate your subconscious mind’s stored knowledge for how to relax your body and keep it relaxed – even through all of the situations which caused you tension in the past.

You will come back to your regular, fully awake state feeling clearer and more deeply relaxed than you ever thought possible. Feeling clear-headed and relaxed is something hypnosis clients say all the time. They genuinely are surprised – and thankful.

Sleep Deeply and Peacefully

We all know that a good night’s sleep is essential for your body to do the healing and repairing work it needs to function well and feel relaxed the next day.

Likewise, feeling very relaxed before sleep can help you get those needed ZZZZZs. If you’re not feeling relaxed AND not sleeping well, it can be hard to break that cycle.

Thankfully, hypnosis is a trustworthy ally to add to your deep sleep resolution team.

Relax and Restore Deep Sleep.

First, we explore thoroughly all of the lifestyle factors, thoughts, and beliefs affecting your ability to sleep well at night.

If you are collecting sleep pattern data from your Fitbit or other sleep tracking device, we look at the data to get a clear picture of which phases in your sleep cycle are less than optimum.

Then, together we come up with a plan to help you get the rest you need and deserve!

Through a hypnosis session, as you’ve read above, we will guide you into a comfortable feeling of relaxation that will already help you sleep better, which is a great starting point for what comes next.

Next, we go so much further to help you restore your sleep cycles to healthy and consistent rhythms.

We deliver positive and powerful suggestions to your deep inner mind in a way that will do the greatest good for you.

And more importantly, we educate your subconscious mind to release and transform the beliefs or emotions that keep you awake at night.

Through hypnosis, I can help you regain your ability to profoundly relax and sleep deeply.

To begin relaxing fully and sleeping peacefully…

Schedule your FREE 30-minute Consultation today