About the Tools

Is something of interest?

This list summarizes many of the tools and techniques I use in my practice. It’s not an exhaustive list, yet I’m covering the main ones.

As you read through this list, I invite you to trust your intuitive sense if you see something that you feel would be beneficial for you. In our sessions, you can always request one of these specific processes if something inside you says, “I need this.”


Hypnosis is one of the natural states that your mind can pass through every day. And yet, this natural state has also been shrouded with mystery and sometimes suspicion. BUT let’s face it – our minds are mysterious, are they not? Hypnosis can unlock the mystery of your own mind, giving you access to creative solutions and emotional relief that you didn’t think were possible before.

I will assist you to relax into this natural state through some easy suggestions. From there, we will do the transformation and integration work aligned with what you came in for, and you’ll come back to your full waking state feeling better than ever.

Your first session with me typically comprises hypnotic programming. This focuses on delivering positive statements that are received more deeply than speaking or hearing affirmations.

Subsequent sessions can be any combination of other tools and processes depending on your unique needs, wishes, and what is in alignment with your desired outcomes.

For more about Hypnosis sessions with me, see the page on this website: Hypnosis for Individuals.


With the help of a PSYCH-K® facilitator, you’ll transform limiting beliefs and perceptions of stress that have prevented you from reaching your full potential. With PSYCH-K®, you are an active participant in the process.

Muscle testing is an integral part of this process. Through muscle testing, we find the process (aka balance) that your mind/body system is in agreement with. PSYCH-K® does not require being in the hypnotic state and is done during your regular waking state. To find out more about PSYCH-K® sessions with me, see the page on this website: PSYCH-K®.

Parts Work

Parts work is a highly effective hypnotic technique for resolving inner conflict. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Part of me wants to move to Alaska, but another part of me wants to stay in Texas,” you are experiencing an internal conflict.

Another common example is this: “Part of me wants to eat healthy, but part of me really wants those sweet and salty snacks.”

When we do parts work, we welcome all parts of you and acknowledge that there is something important each part is doing for you. In a way, we create a space for these parts to get to know each other and find some common ground.

Note: Hypnotic programming (see Hypnosis, above) is highly recommended as a prerequisite for parts work because of the deeper level we need to go to for a successful parts work session.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP has to do with how we create meaning. It isn’t a specific tool but rather an overall model that includes building blocks for technique building. It’s kind of like a bunch of LEGO sets for the mind. We use NLP in sessions as supporting structures to help retrain your deep inner mind for lasting sustainable change aligned with your goals and dreams.


Regression is the time machine of the mind. We go back in time to the event that caused the symptoms or life situations you have today through this powerful process. Usually, your subconscious mind will take you to your early childhood, sometimes to birth or before birth. Most clients find that simply remembering events in a relaxed state can bring tremendous relief. Many clients experience a spontaneous “letting go” of painful emotions that lead to enhanced forgiveness of self, life, and others.

Note: Hypnotic programming (see Hypnosis, above) is highly recommended as a prerequisite for regression because of the deeper level of hypnosis we need to go to for a successful regression session.


Sometimes, energies and emotions are stuck in your body rather than moving freely. As crazy as it sounds, this can cause you to be stuck in your mind!

Conscious connected breathing is a powerful and fast way to reconnect with the breath of life and free up trapped emotional energy. It’s also a great way to induce a hypnotic state.

Because breathwork has the added benefit of inducing a hypnotic state, I usually integrate hypnosis with the breathwork experience, working with the memories and emotions that come up.


Flowtrition is a series of gentle contacts that allow for the integration of life experiences.

It’s like digesting food. We all know that food needs to be fully digested to give you energy and nourishment. Sometimes if we eat food that doesn’t agree with our systems, or we eat too much of something, it can wreak havoc with our digestion.

In the same way, sometimes life experiences can load us up. Too much stress and high intensity can overcome our system’s ability to digest the experiences – even if the intensity is positive and life-affirming. When all of our life experiences are properly integrated, energy flows freely, and the system feels more at ease.

Flowtrition increases the feeling of calmness and relaxation, which also helps assist with the physical digestion of food and enables the healing needed for optimum functioning.

Flowtrition is a gentle and simple way to bring your body back to ease.

To find out more about Flowtrition sessions with me, see the page on this site: Flowtrition.